Chrome Auto Scroll Up And Down

Chrome Auto Scroll Up And Down 3,8/5 4679 votes

For some reason, on two different websites made by me, and on NO other sites, Chrome will randomly scroll down by a variable amount whenever a new page is loaded, and sometimes even at other times (in particular when an object is being drag-dropped).There is absolutely no reference to any scrollTop anywhere in the code for either site, and both sites have code that is completely written from scratch (so there is no common code I might have copy-pasted). Also, there is no # fragment in the URLs (whenever there are it scrolls to the correct position).Has anyone else ever heard of Chrome just scrolling without cause? Anything that might be able to fix without reassigning scrollTop every time an action is taken? Site 1 is - the problem seems to manifest itself most obviously on the forums, due to the pages being longer in general, but it doesn't seem limited to that section.

How to enable automatic scrolling in Chrome Tip When you press that button it will open a small bar at the top left of the window as in the shot below. The page will also automatically begin to scroll down. The bar shows you the relative speed of the page scroll, and you can speed it up by dragging it further to the right. If you roll the mouse wheel upwards, the page will scroll up.

Site 2 is still in Alpha stages, so I can't give access to that. However we also observed that reloading an iframe on a page also causes the main window to scroll down a fair amount. I will try to find out if other Chrome users might be experiencing the issue. I have the latest version - just throwing that out there;)–Feb 25 '12 at 4:47.

Chrome Auto Scroll Up And Down Crossword

Chrome auto scroll up and down meaning

Chrome Mouse Scroll Speed

Google’s web browser is the most popular third-party browser in the world by far, having surpassed Firefox long ago. In fact, each passing month brings Chrome closer to surpassing Internet Explorer as the most popular web browser in the world, period. According to Net Applications, Internet Explorer’s market share has dropped from 55.83% in April 2015 to 44.79% last month, while Chrome climbed from 25.68% to 36.56% over the same period.As great as Chrome is though, updates can often bring annoying new problems — and such is the case with latest release.UP NEXT:We have to be honest: sometimes, seeing Chrome’s menu icon turn green to indicate that an update is available for download sends shivers down our spines. Things usually go well enough but every once in a while there’s an update that really messes up your browser. And if you’re like us you spend most of your day in your web browser, so browser bugs are no fun at all. This week, Google released a new stable version of its browser,. The update packed a number of security fixes and bug fixes, and it also included a new feature or two.

Unfortunately, one of those new features is causing a seriously aggravating problem for some users.Ironically, the “smooth scrolling” feature that had been experimental until this release is causing some not-so-smooth scrolling in many people’s browsers. As the name suggests, the feature is meant to tweak Chrome’s animations to create a smoother experience. But for some people, it’s causing having the opposite effect instead and causing some serious lag.Luckily, fixing this problem is beyond simple:. In a new Chrome tab, paste the following into the address bar and then hit enter: chrome://flags/#disable-smooth-scrolling. Click the “Disable: link under “Smooth Scrolling”. Restart your browserPretty simple, right?

Your browser will be back to normal and if you want to try smooth scrolling again, just go back to that page and re-enable it.