Thought Of The Day Anointing
FORSAKE YOUR THOUGHTS:COMMENTS'FOR MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS, NEITHER ARE YOUR WAYSMY WAYS,' SAITH THE LORD.' (Isaiah 55;8/9)'GOD MADE KNOWN HIS WAYS TO MOSES,HIS ACTS UNTO THECHILDREN OF ISRAEL.' (Psalm lO3:7)God does not change. He revealshis ways to his Saints, but not to the body of Christin general. Saints walk in his waysby faith, the Churchman walks naturally by sight. In the Age to come,the Church will no longer serve two Masters; then they shallbe able to focus in singleness of eye to walk in the Spiritof the anointing. To walk in Christ is to no longer thinkas a man ordinarily does, but as Christ thinks.'
Thoughts Of The Day Quotes
The anointing of the Spirit guides you as you read and consume the Scripture, loving the Lord, hungering and thirsting for His righteousness. Here are five things you can do to continue to grow in the precious anointing: 1. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit every day, adoring Him (2 Cor.
FOR THOUGH WE WALK IN THE FLESH, WE DO NOT WARAFTER THE FLESH: (FOR THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE ARENOT CARNAL, BUT MIGHTY THROUGH GOD TO THE PULLING DOWN OFSTRONGHOLDS;) CASTING DOWN IMAGINATIONS AND EVERY HIGHTHING THAT EXALTS ITSELF AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD,AND BRINGING INTO CAPTIVITY EVERY THOUGHT TO THE OBEDIENCEOF CHRIST.' 2 Corinthians 10:5MIGHTY THROUGH GOD refers to theanointing. In the anointing of Christ isa powerful Presence of the Spiritto pull down strongholds. A stronghold canbe an institution ruled by an antichrist spirit orcarnal Christians with so many vices the Devilis able to move them to destructive behaviourspiritually. Pulling down the stronghold couldinvolve bringing them around to a right mind,or the removal of the antichrist minded individual.It can even get violent as we see by faith in thefall of Jericho after Israel marched around thecity and gave a great shout, its walls fell down.To walk in the anointing involves casting downimaginations while 'BRINGING INTO CAPTIVITY EVERYTHOUGHT TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST.' If this is notdone, those who enter into the anointing cannotexpect to be 'MIGHTY THROUGH GOD TO THE PULLING DOWNOF STRONGHOLDS.'
'TAKE NO THOUGHT FOR YOUR LIFE,WHAT YOU SHALL EAT, OR WHAT YOU SHALL DRINK;NOR YET FOR YOUR BODY, WHAT YOU SHALL PUT ON.IS NOT THE LIFE MORE THAN MEAT, AND THE BODYTHAN CLOTHING?' Matthew 6:25)Any unnecessary and vain thought quenches the Spiritof the anointing. Jesus had meat to eat of they knew not of,but the anointing of Life is 'MORE THAN MEAT,' and the body moreimportant than the clothes we would put on. In all the Bible,you will never find mention of holy men concerning themselveswith fashions or what to wear.' TAKE THEREFORE NO THOUGHT FOR TOMORROW:FOR TOMORROW SHALL TAKE THOUGHT FOR THE THINGS OF ITSELF.SUFFICIENT UNTO THE DAY IS THE EVIL THEREOF.' Matthew 6:34)The living sacrifice cannot afford to let hismind wonder into concerns for tomorrow. Jesus emptiedhimself.
This included any inclination to think humanthoughts. A living sacrifice is fully occupied inwalking in God.
He no longer allows himself to thinklike a man. The spiritual warfare he is fightingis against the evil ofthe day with an eye to bringing down the strongholdsof the Devil. The day is his framework.
When the day is over,the wayfaring man will stop where the day ended,that can be his starting point for tomorrow. He is notdistracted by appointments or plans. His focus is inthe continuingguidance of the Spirit.' Let the wicked forsake his way, andthe unrighteous man his thoughts.' (Isaiah 55:7)Human thinking makes a man unrighteous. Jumper reset powermaster visonic. Many a zealot thinks toserve God in their own human strength with strategies they havethought up.
Forsake your thoughts and study to show yourselfapproved of God. When you are ready God will call you intothe anointing to learn to walk in Christ and do the work Godwants to do through you.' THE THOUGHTS OF THE RIGHTEOUS ARE RIGHT:'Proverbs 12:5The Psalmist said, 'I hate vain thoughts.' (Psalm ll9:ll3) 'The LORD knows the thoughts of man,that they are vainity.' (Psalm 94:ll) 'For from within,out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries,fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness,deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride,foolishness: All these evil things come from within anddefile the man.' Matthew 7:21) How does God knowthese things? 'No thought can be withheld from God.'
(Job l7:ll) The righteous are full of the Word of God.They meditate on his law day and night. Their thoughtsare right.RESERVED.RESERVED.RESERVED.RESERVED.