Film Nexo Digital 2018
Nexo Digital was born from over 60 years experience in the film industry and distribution sector. Fallout 4 infinite loading screen new ga…. As a pioneer and market leader in the global distribution of high definition EVENT CINEMA – from concerts to art exhibitions, from documentaries to theatre shows – Nexo Digital is committed to distributing quality events of a cultural and social value and promoting a new way of.
Making a short film with the availability of today’s technology has become a relatively simple endeavor for most people. Assuming that you own a respectable computer, a digital camcorder and some kind of editing software, you are basically ready to go. Add some decent actors, a simple script and you’re a filmmaker!But, first things first, you will need a story. Remember, most of what filmmakers do is to become a storyteller. And if this is your first attempt at creating a short film, consider a comedy or spoof on a topic that isn’t too serious.With the discriminating taste that has been acquired by most film viewing audiences, even on Youtube, it’s wise to leave the more sobering ideas to those that can spend millions of dollars telling their story.Now that you have a basic outline for your story using the cast available to you, create a bit of a character for each role.
Film Nexo Digital 2018 2019
What is the personality of each character? Do they have a specific way of speaking? There are many ways to create individual characters for each role which helps when writing the final draft of the script. But don’t get jammed here. You might have friends that are really good actors and you have no idea.
Ask around, see who is up for the excitement involved in making even a short film. Then work around what you have when writing the final draft of your script. Don’t forget that although you might only have a few characters in your story, that there will be background actors required, set dressers and production assistants to help organize things during the day of filming.
After groundbreaking success in terms of audiences and critics of “The Vatican Museums” and “Florence and the Uffizi Gallery”, and after the release of “Raphael – The Lord of the Arts”, here it comes a new documentary dedicated to an Italian Master: Caravaggio – The Soul and the blood.A journey through life, works and struggles of Michelangelo Merisi from Caravaggio. His existence, no less than his art, is characterized by lights and shadows, contrasts and contradictions, genius and sobriety. Revolutionary artist, he was often not so beloved by contemporaries.
Film Nexo Digital 2018 Calendar
He travelled Italy in search of luck or perhaps in search of himself, escaping the enemies that he always found at his passage. Milan, Venice, Rome, Naples, Malta, Sicily. His death seems a twist of faith: he died in Porto Ercole, one step away from Rome, one step away from salvation.According to the Longhi’s lesson (the main Caravaggio expert), his work will be read with strict reference to his existence, finding in his masterpieces the echo of personal experiences.The narrative unfolds on two levels:- The artistic digression, in which the commentary of the main artworks will be entrusted to an illustrious art historian from the first painting: Bacchus and Boy with a Basket of Fruit. Through the roman period artworks: Cardsharps, Judith Beheading Holofernes to the last works as David with the Head of Goliath.- 'Photographic' scenes that, accompanied by the voice of Caravaggio himself, evokes an object or a situation symbolizing his life and his works.
Film Nexo Digital 2018 Calendar
A basket of fruit, a musical instrument, a sword, a grate of a cell etc. These emotional and evocative moments - thanks to the use of light and cinematic techniques such timelapse and slowmotion - help the viewer to go deep inside the mind and soul of Caravaggio, empathizing with his impulses and fears.