Call Of Duty Console Execute File .cfg File Main \exec

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  2. Call Of Duty Console Execute File .cfg File Main Executions

I have been trying to set up a Call of Duty 4 server with the ACE mod. The server runs fine with the mod but I can not get the file's to download on the redirect that i'm using. I am trying to host all the files from a computer in the house,everything the game server itself and all the maps and mod. I have setup a dedicated server on a computer to run 24/7 and that's all it's gonna be for it's running Windows 7. I am trying to use a program called WWW.fileshare pro to share the files that people need to download for the mod. I setup a COD2 server a couple years age using that program and it worked great!

  1. This is the code from the Call of Duty console that pops up: COD MP 1.1 build win-x86 Oct 8 2003- FSStartup -Current language: english Current search path: C: Program Files Call of Duty main pak6.pk3 (3 files) C: Program Files Call of Duty main pak5.pk3 (4858 files) C: Program Files Call of Duty main pak4.pk3 (1668 files).
  2. Tutorial MASSIVE Call Of Duty: Black OPS Game Cheat Codes and Game Guides Compilation. Aosma8 n00.WEAPONS CYCLED. Joined: Oct 2010. Reputation: 17 #1. Use a text editor to edit the 'config.cfg' file in the 'players' directory in the game folder. Change the value of the seta monkeytoy '1' line to seta monkeytoy '0'.

Call of Duty, wildly recognized as one of the greatest World War 2 games, gets a face lift with this sequel. The sequel to Call of Duty, the 2003 Game of the Year and winner of more than 80 awards, Call of Duty 2 offers more immense, more intense, more realistic battles than ever before, thanks to the stunning visuals of the new Call of Duty 2 engine.

It was fast with my fiber internet connection! I'm pretty sure I have everything in the config file setup right but it's still not working! This is what I have.//HTTP Redirectset svallowdownload '0'seta svwwwdownload '1'seta svwwwbaseurl 'svwwwdldisconnected '0'now the ACE mod say's to have the setting like that, but when people try to download the files it say's downloads disabled when I look at the game console! I have also tryed the settings like this.//HTTP Redirectset svallowdownload '1'seta svwwwdownload '1'seta svwwwbaseurl 'svwwwdldisconnected '0'and it just hangs or crashes! Now www.file share pro say's to give that address to people that wants to connect to you. I do have a NO IP address it is should I use that for the redirect instead?

I have been trying to set up this server for 3 day's now! The server runs fine I just can't get the redirect to work for nothing! I have pined it down to the settings in the config file somewhere? I am running the ACE 2.1 mod for cod4. I have 2 servers both dedicated 1 set up as a LAN in the house on it's own box and a second one I rent from both running the same mod and version 2.1. The problem is the redirects fail when people try to download the files for the mod.

Call Of Duty Console Execute File .cfg File Main Executions

So it falls back to downloading them for the game server itself at 3KB/S. This is my redirect form gameservernetwork they gave me I have put a acemod folder and a usermaps folder on that redirect. The 3 mod files for the ace mod in the acemod folder and custom maps in the usermaps folder. Just like I have it setup on the server side. Here is my IP to the server 70.85.0 Here is what I have in my command line to start the server+set fssavepath C:Clients28960.20 +set dedicated 2 +set netip +set netport 28960 +set svmaxclients 10 +set svpunkbuster '1' +set fsgame mods/acemod +set svpunkbuster '1' +exec codserver.cfg +set svhostname '^1Mac^4Gyver' +maprotateI think that is right? I game runs fine.

Here is a copy of my config,maybe you can see what's wrong??